We were camping down at San Elijo right after Thanksgiving and our camping neighbor told us about making Beer Bread. I had never heard of it before. He makes it right on the BBQ which is easy – keep it off direct heat and your BBQ acts like an oven. We wrote down the recipe and tried it when we got home. After trying to perfect bread with yeast and at times not succeeding .. this is by far the easiest way to make bread. It’s kind of in the middle of a bread and a bisquit.
Ingredients –
Self Rising Flour – 3 cups
Sugar – 3 Tablespoons
A Beer – Try a hearty beer
Melted Butter – 2 Tablespoons
Combine your flour and sugar –
Add the Beer – I used and Orange Wheat beer.
It will be foamy – stir well!
Pour into a greased bread pan and pour the melted butter on top.
Bake at 350 degrees for 50 – 55 minutes.
Slice yourself a nice warm piece of beer bread, add some butter and enjoy!