This is from my Mom’s “Vintage” Girl Scout Hand Book that she dated 1946 .. a good share on “Throw Back Thursday”
It is in the chapter “What Girl Scouts Do” –
Activities That Cut Across All Fields
– Camping
“Established Camps”
“An established camp is the kind of camp to which girls from many troops go at the same time. It is run by a Girl Scout local council, which is responsible for the camp site, the equipment, and the staff. There are over five hundred established Girl Scout camps in this country and they are found in every state. Some are in the mountains, some by the sea, some on an island and some beside a lake or river. Some are small camps with room for only twenty-five or thirty girls at one time, and other are large enough to take care of a hundred and fifty at the same time. In some, girls sleep in cabins, in others they sleep in tents. In some places, like California, where rain is not expected in the summer time, the campers just use sleeping bags on the ground with no shelter at all.
If your own local council does not have a camp of this type, and you do not know of any near-by, the Camp Bureau at National Headquarters will send you a list of camps in your part of the country that would be glad to welcome you. These camps are open from two to eight weeks and most of them expect a girl to come for a two-week period.. The plans for activities are made by the girls in the camp with the advice and help of the camp counselors.
New campers are busy learning how to make themselves at home in camp, more experienced ones may plan adventures that lie farther afield. Older girls who are seasoned campers sometimes take gypsy trips, using bicycles, boats, canoes, automobiles, horses, a wagon, or their own two feet. That kind of trip is something to look forward to when you became a Senior Girl Scout.”
I love the part about California, my home state, because this “summer” we have had some rain! Also, the “adventures that lie farther afield” … fun!!
Were you a Girl Scout? Did you go to an “established” camp? I did and I remember having fun but being very homesick! I was pretty little ..
I was also a Girl Scout leader and had fun taking the troop overnight to a Girl Scout house in Laguna Beach, Sea World and The Wild Animal Park. Wasn’t “real camping” but was a lot of fun!
Happy Throw Back Thursday!